Our story

Our story is about the heartfelt journey that led to the creation of our clothing and lifestyle brand focused on mental health. Our founder, Duncan, deeply understands the difficulties that come with mental health challenges, and it is from his own experiences that our brand was born.

Duncan's personal journey with mental health has shaped his perspective and made him more empathetic towards others facing similar struggles. He knows firsthand the significant impact that mental health issues can have on individuals, families, and communities. Motivated by a desire to make a difference, Duncan set out to address this important issue in two meaningful ways.

Fence with the signs "Don't give up", "You are not alone" and "You matter".

Firstly, Duncan aims to raise funds to support those who need mental healthcare. He believes that everyone should have access to the resources and support needed to navigate their mental health journey. When you buy our products, a portion of the proceeds goes to organizations and initiatives dedicated to providing mental health services to individuals who may struggle to afford them. By purchasing our products, you become an important part of this compassionate effort to improve access to mental healthcare.

Secondly, our brand aims to remove the barriers around mental health by promoting open conversations and reducing the stigma. Duncan strongly believes that talking about our emotions is crucial to creating a supportive environment where people can seek help without fear or judgment. Our clothing serves as a powerful tool for raising awareness, encouraging dialogue, and reminding people of the importance of openly discussing their emotions and mental well-being.

Through our designs and messages, we strive to start conversations about mental health in everyday life. We want to inspire individuals to share their experiences, listen to others, and show kindness to those who may be silently struggling. By wearing our clothing, you become an advocate, showing your commitment to ending silence and creating a world where mental health is treated with the compassion and understanding it deserves.

At our core, we are a brand driven by purpose, authenticity, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on mental health. Join us on this journey as we work together to support those in need, promote open dialogue, and ultimately create a more empathetic and inclusive society for everyone.